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Thank You For Taking the Moving Forward After Unthinkable Loss 3 Day Workshop!

As a Thank You I want to personally invite you to join the

Survived to Thrive Program!

The doors are officially open!

(Doors close on this limited time offer Monday, May 7th @ 11:59pm PT)

Imagine what it will feel like when you are:

  • Confident that your best days are still coming, despite your loss.

  • Confident in your capacity to make decisions for your life.

  • Free to love the next chapter of life without feeling so guilty about it.

  • Clear on who you are now as a survivor of suicide loss, and what you want next.

  • Secure because you know you can be completely fulfilled even though your loved one died.

  • Able to handle any emotion without needing to be distracted from it

  • No longer stuck with a “new normal” that’s less than what you want

  • Genuinely love your life again, despite losing a loved one to suicide.

The Survived to Thrive Program includes:

  • 6 - One on One Coaching Sessions, $950 Value

  • 1 - Additional Bonus One-on-One Coaching Session.

  • Access to the virtual Class on Freeing yourself from Guilt.

  • Access to “Ask Amy Anything”, where you can ask Amy questions between sessions

  • Priority access to free classes and workshops throughout the duration of your program.

  • Limited Time Offer

    Single Payment
    Valid for 6 months
  • Limited Time Offer

    Every month
    Two Payments
    Valid for 2 months
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